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Making my own meal!

Many people take everyday skills and activities for granted, like making a meal for yourself. For someone with a learning disability it can be a real challenge, with a wide range of skills in use.

Our Day Opportunities schemes support people to practise these skills, both as group and in this case individually. Chrissy recently made Pasta Bolognese from scratch, and was really proud of her achievement. It tasted great too!

Chrissy is concentrating on life skills including cooking so that should anything happen to her parents in the future, or when she is able to move into supportive living, she will be able to cook for her family and her boyfriend.

Her first session was cooking Pasta Bolognese, using ingredients she likes.

First, we sat down and decided what to make. Chrissy wrote her shopping list. We talked about budgeting and using cheaper shops for certain ingredients.

Then we went shopping. Chrissy looked at what she was buying, paying attention to the prices. We paid for it all and packed our shopping bags.

Back in the kitchen at Guideposts Hub, Chrissy prepared by washing her hands and cleaning all the surfaces. She put gloves on and prepared her veg, and then put pasta on. Her support worker Jane gave her guidance and support to make sure she remembered how to be safe in the kitchen.

We prepared the Bolognese step by step slowly so Chrissy understood. Chrissy was asking questions, she was really wanting to make sure she took it all in.

Once it was cooked, we left it to cool before putting in pots to take home and freeze.

We cleaned and washed up talking about importance to clean before and after.

Chrissy is already looking forward to next week’s session, which will be sweet & sour chicken with rice.

Can You Help Us Support People Like Chrissy?

For over 50 years, Guideposts have sought to ensure people with learning disabilities are part of their community, and learn life skills to be able to live as independently as possible.

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One Response to “Making my own meal!

  • Katie
    8 months ago

    Fantastic to hear such positive story. Looks delicious!

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