Guideposts Coaching Services | Guideposts Trust

Guideposts Coaching Services

Guideposts Coaching Services provide one-to-one support for people with a range of complex needs, over the phone or via web consultation.

Who can our coaching services support?

  • People with caring responsibilities
  • People managing a difficult life transition such as a bereavement
  • People managing depression, anxiety, PTSD or trauma
  • People with Borderline Personality Disorder

Current coaching services

Complex Emotional Needs (CEN Coaching)

Complex Emotional Needs (CEN Coaching)

The complex emotional needs (CEN) service provides telephone coaching for people living with borderline personality disorder (BPD), also known as emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD).
Emotional Wellbeing Coaching

Emotional Wellbeing Coaching

The Emotional Wellbeing Coaching service can help you if you are struggling with difficult life circumstances such as a bereavement, a significant life transformation or caring responsibilities.
Guideposts Coaching Services

Guideposts Coaching Services

One-to-one support for people with a range of complex needs, over the phone or via web consultation.

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