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Never Seen, Never Been Song

Never Seen, Never Been – The Song!

How a Guideposts group went from music lovers to video stars, writing and recording their own charity single.

CONNECT with Cake Watford Hub

Sweet Success: CONNECT With Cake

We celebrated ‘CONNECT With Cake’, a delicious event to raise awareness of loneliness in the community.

Amazing what you find at London Zoo!

Amazing what you find at London Zoo!

A day trip to London Zoo was extra special for members of Guideposts Friendship 4 All, boosting confidence as well as happiness.

Woman looking really happy with 7 boxed meals ready in front of her

Making my own meal!

Guideposts member Chrissy tells us how she is learning independent life skills like cooking a meal for herself, with her support worker Jane.

Sam’s Zoo-per Adventure: The Difference Outings Can Make

Guideposts member Sam and support worker Jane tell us why outings can make such a big difference to people with a learning disability.

woman looking at camera, trying to smile but feeling fed up

The Price of Inclusion: Independent Breaks and Learning Disabilities

How financial concerns mean Rachel, like many people with a learning disability, is unable to go on breaks and trips.

Supporting A Loved One With Dementia Over Christmas

Christmas can be a stressful time for people with dementia and their loved ones. From unfamiliar decorations to festive food, our guide can help you navigate challenges.

A lonely elderly lady looks out the window

“Dementia can be a very lonely place”- Pat’s Experience

A recent report from Carers UK found a third of carers always or often feel lonely. Half of carers feel...

Staff assisting people with cooking in Guideposts day services

Tackling the Cost of Living Crisis

How the cost of living crisis affects the people Guideposts supports, and how we can deliver support tailored to our members’ needs.

Helen smiling holding vegetables grown at Guideposts Dig N Grow group.

Volunteering: The Benefits

1/06/2022 This week marks Volunteers’ Week, to thank volunteers and recognise the fantastic contribution they make in society. It is...

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