Our Autumn Highlights for 2023

The latest Guideposts newsletter, highlighting our recent activity, achievements and plans. This edition we focus on our specialist day services for people with learning disabilities. We also have lots of news and and inspirational stories. Read on to discover some of our autumn highlights!

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Latest News

Hear how getting active has been helping members of many services, whether trying out the latest craze for foot-golf, finding new freedom with adaptive bikes, or using community spirit to help motivation in going to the gym.

The knitters in our community have been creating for good causes, both tiny blankets for sick and premature babies, and bigger ones for orphaned baby rhinos.

Never Seen, Never Been campaign

Hear about our Never Seen, Never Been campaign and how important experiences that most people take for granted are, for people living with learning disabilities.

Meet Anthony – our project coordinator for the Better Connected programme

Find out how Anthony’s multifaceted background has brought him to this role, the challenges he faces, and what he values in the work he does.

A Special Tribute

We pay tribute to a special, longstanding member of one of our CONNECT groups, Mike. We share memories and the story of Mike’s involvement with the group.

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