Personal Connection

Many of our in-person groups have been meeting again in the last few weeks, and it’s wonderful to make personal connections once more.

At the moment seeing people and having a cup of tea anywhere other than at home is quite an excitement, but there were real connections made between the groups.

Lights Up

The Lights Up group in Witney had a very successful first meeting of the year. One participant, Nick said “Last Wednesday it was fantastic – Harry was really interesting, and Jan’s stories were fascinating. I never thought it would be for me, a group for sitting and talking with ‘old people’ but it was really interesting.”

Nick and Maggie joined Lights Up just before Covid-19 struck. They saw the group listed on information they were given when Maggie was diagnosed with Alzheimers, and as they were already aware of Guideposts they thought they would try it. They have found the group works for them both as they enjoy the social opportunity, so they are looking forward to more meetings.

The first back meeting passed with easily flowing conversation, and more activities are planned including art sessions as many of the group are either active or dormant artists.


The CONNECT groups in Whitminster and Gloucester have just started meeting up again as well. Group coordinator Liz said even she had been apprehensive, not having led the group for so many months. But she found that she didn’t need to worry once everyone arrived.

Many people were cautious about the situation, but they all said how grateful and happy they were to see people again. Liz took a quick quiz to find out how everyone was: here are a summary of the responses.

How did you feel during Lockdown? Lonely / Worried / OK

Do you feel safer now? Yes / Somewhat / Still a bit worried

How do you feel now restrictions are lifting? Hopeful / Relief / Very happy

How do you feel today? Very happy / Absolutely wonderful / Grateful / Glad to see people

Joan and Bill have been coming to the group for a while, and there has been marked deterioration in Joan’s dementia over the last year. Bill said he is finding caring harder now. When they had first joined, Joan had needed gradual introduction to the place, becoming distressed if they stayed very long. So there was an expectation that this might happen again after a long time without the familiarity, but this time Joan remembered Liz and the venue. We were all delighted!

Join us! 

All these groups have welcomed new people as well as existing members from last year this month. We are also excited to be opening a new CONNECT group in Stroud on 9th June. If you are interested in joining, please contact us.

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