Guideposts CONNECT Dementia - Guideposts Trust

Guideposts CONNECT Dementia

Guideposts CONNECT Dementia

Guideposts Connect clubs offer people with dementia or other types of memory loss and their carers the opportunity to enjoy creative activities together.

The activites can include painting and crafts, music, singing, and reminiscence.

Current Status: We are meeting in Witney, now at Our Lady & St Hugh’s Catholic Church. New members are always welcome!

How CONNECT works

Our CONNECT clubs meet twice a month in Witney. Sessions are led by dementia specialists supported by local volunteers, and we invite dementia trained artists working with music and textiles to work with us.

As well as creative activities and a friendly atmosphere, CONNECT offers specialist dementia information, guidance and signposting.

Donations are welcome, to contribute to materials and other costs.


Day & Time: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, 2pm to 4pm.

Address: Our Lady and St Hugh Catholic Church, Dene Rise, Witney, OX28 6LU

What activities are on offer?

Activities include:

  • Painting and craft making
  • Music, singing
  • Reminiscence, reading and poetry
  • Chat
  • Refreshments and cake!

Who can we support?

All are welcome to CONNECT, including people living with dementia, their partners and unpaid carers.

Why should I join? 

Coming to Guideposts CONNECT can not only bring you shared experiences and support with others in a similar situation, but is also an opportunity for making new friends and learning new skills, resulting in greater well-being, regained confidence and self-esteem.

Key Info

Day & Time: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, 2pm to 4pm

Venue: Our Lady and St Hugh Catholic Church, Dene Rise, Witney, OX28 6LU

Coordinator: Shirley Crawley

Contact number: 01993 893 560 / 07850 204791


Email Us

“We love coming to CONNECT, meeting everyone. We have a chat, share our stories. We really enjoy all the activities, and the outings. It keeps us active and gives us something to talk about and look forward to. We would be at home otherwise, feeling stressed, alone and isolated.”

How to join?

Please get in touch if you’re interested in coming to CONNECT. If you are a GP or work in social care you can also refer someone to us.

We’ll get back in touch within 5 working days to arrange a time to meet or talk on the phone, when you can ask any questions you may have. You may be able to come and see a session in action to get a taster of what we do.

Can you Help?

Would you like to volunteer with this group? If you enjoy talking to people, have a hobby or skill to share, or want to develop your skills, please get in touch.

CONNECT Dementia is funded with the support of West Oxfordshire District Council.

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