Sweet Success: CONNECT With Cake
Earlier this month, during World Loneliness Week 10-16th June 2024. We celebrated ‘CONNECT With Cake’, a delicious event to raise awareness of loneliness in the community.
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who participated in ‘CONNECT With Cake’, it was lovely to see everyone come together, connect and share stories over a cup of tea and cake. There was a delightful array of homemade cakes, treats and refreshments.
The sweet treats were enjoyed by everyone, although it was about more than cake, it was about connection between people. It was an opportunity for people to come together and a reminder of the importance of human connection and community. The event not only raised vital funds but fostered meaningful relationships and a sense of belonging among attendees.
Thanks to your generosity and support, we have raised over £400! These funds will be used to tackle loneliness in the community. This will be through our dementia-friendly CONNECT social groups, in day services for people with learning disabilities, and in our community mental health services. For many of the people we support, coming to their Guideposts group each week is the only time they see others.
Gill told us “I became very anxious and depressed over the last few years. Since attending Guideposts’ groups I have felt so much better. I no longer need antidepressants or sleeping pills and I’m back on track with my family”.
If you would like help tackle loneliness in the community and help those who are struggling. You can support ‘CONNECT With Cake’ by donating at https://guideposts.org.uk/connect-with-cake