What is it like to live with a disability?

It's hard for a person who is well and not disabled to imagine the difficulties that a disabled and/or ill person faces on a daily basis. Try this experiment to give you some idea of the challenges faced every day.

Mental Illness – the by-product of evolutionary changes?

In our final guest blog for Mental Health Awareness Week Carole explains how being prone to mental illness may genetic in a similar way to some physical illnesses.

Schizophrenia – Let’s Stop the Stigma

In our second guest blog for Mental Health Awareness Week 2021 Carole, a member of our community mental health hub in Watford, gives an honest account of living with schizophrenia, her experience of what it has brought her, as well as the social stigma.

Making a Difference to my Mental Health

For Mental Health Awareness Week 2021 we are delighted to feature articles by a member of our community mental health hub in Watford, Carole.

Guideposts members smiling

Spring Newsletter from South West Hertfordshire

The latest newsletter from our team in south west Hertfordshire has news about face-to-face services restarting, lots of useful hints and tips, and some great articles from our members.

Celebrating a year of the Guideposts Information & Support line

The Guideposts Information & Support phone line opened a year ago, in March 2020. It was coincidental, if fortunate, that it was just at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Our team have been at the end of the phone to support people through this exceptional year, and have developed the service to fit the needs of the time.

What does Autism mean?

To mark World Autism Awareness Week we spoke to some of our community to find out what it’s like to live with autism and what autism means for them.

Breathe Easy

One of our Henry Smith House yoga class members, Carole, tells us about her experiences and how she came to pranayama.

Big Give 2020

The Big Give 2020

We’re aiming to raise £4,250 to support 50 people to take part in our outdoor wellbeing programme at Paradise Fields, Oxfordshire.

Men and Mental Health

Paul continues his blog series on mental health with a discussion on the male experience.

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