Staff assisting people with cooking in Guideposts day services

Tackling the Cost of Living Crisis

How the cost of living crisis affects the people Guideposts supports, and how we can deliver support tailored to our members’ needs.

Helen smiling holding vegetables grown at Guideposts Dig N Grow group.

Volunteering: The Benefits

1/06/2022 This week marks Volunteers’ Week, to thank volunteers and recognise the fantastic contribution they make in society. It is...

Guideposts Community Succeeds in Global Challenge

the Guideposts community completed their Global Challenge, with 69 participants and a dog contributing steps, stomps, wheel rotations, and trots to a grand total of 21,989.5 miles, the equivalent of travelling all the way around the world.

Mary-Lou Sponsored Silence

Silence and Self-Control

When Mary-Lou took a sponsored silence in aid of Guideposts, she discovered even more about herself.

Caring for Carers

John juggles his caring responsibilities with his own mental health condition. Guideposts has been working with John to ensure he receives the practical and emotional support he needs to cope in his caring role.

worried woman

Clare’s Story – A Carer in Time of Need

Recently, Clare had an accident that required surgery – and her thoughts immediately turned to her daughter Izzie.

Christmas Card Designs

Get Ready for Christmas!

Christmas Cards and 2022 Charity Calendars for sale, to support Guideposts' work into the new year.

Oxford Vapours Supports Guideposts!

We are delighted that Oxford Vapours have chosen Guideposts Trust to be their annual charity starting this month. A local company with improving people’s lives at their heart, there are many similarities between us.

Guideposts Sizzling Summer Prize Draw!

We know the last 18 months or so have been very strange for everyone so we wanted to celebrate this summer by giving you the chance to win some great prizes.

Guideposts Global Challenge Gathers Momentum!

The national lockdown has prevented Guideposts Trust from carrying out our traditional fundraising activities, so we have launched a virtual...

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