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man with his arm around his mother, posing for a photo.

Meet Trudy

Meet Trudy, whose son Gareth has been attending Guideposts Dig'n'Grow for over 3 years, and is looking to take the next step in independence.

Guideposts Olympic Games

With the Olympics on the TV and in the news, Guideposts groups decided to create their very own Olympics this summer, including a whole day of games at Dig'n'Grow

Never Seen, Never Been Song

Never Seen, Never Been – The Song!

How a Guideposts group went from music lovers to video stars, writing and recording their own charity single.

Woman looking really happy with 7 boxed meals ready in front of her

Making my own meal!

Guideposts member Chrissy tells us how she is learning independent life skills like cooking a meal for herself, with her support worker Jane.

‘The Only Way To Have A Friend Is To Be One’ – Friendship Hints

Making friends is not always easy for people with a learning disability or autism. Take a look at our friendship hints!

Sam’s Zoo-per Adventure: The Difference Outings Can Make

Guideposts member Sam and support worker Jane tell us why outings can make such a big difference to people with a learning disability.

“I’ve realised I’m capable of things I wasn’t so sure about”

Follow Maria's journey as she gains confidence, finds happiness in making a difference, and takes on new challenges.

woman looking at camera, trying to smile but feeling fed up

The Price of Inclusion: Independent Breaks and Learning Disabilities

How financial concerns mean Rachel, like many people with a learning disability, is unable to go on breaks and trips.

Falling Through The Cracks: The Pitfalls of Social Housing

Guideposts' member William has been working through the pitfalls in the social care and housing system, facing frustration along the way.

How To Manage SAD This Winter

Two million people in the UK struggle with SAD each winter. Learn about the symptoms, causes, and treatments for seasonal low mood here.

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