Guideposts members smile and chat at a table.

Are Dementia And Loneliness Linked?

Older people are very vulnerable to loneliness and isolation. This can have a serious impact on both physical and mental...


Why You Should Remember A Charity In Your Will

05/09/2022 Has a charity ever helped you or someone you love? Chances are, at some point, your life will have...

Cover of Britains First Teaching Nursing Home Leaflet by Guideposts

A History of Guideposts Trust – Chapter 3

The third instalment of the story of Guideposts comes to how the charity started addressing the issues affecting people living with dementia, and setting up the UK's first teaching nursing home.

Helen smiling holding vegetables grown at Guideposts Dig N Grow group.

Volunteering: The Benefits

1/06/2022 This week marks Volunteers’ Week, to thank volunteers and recognise the fantastic contribution they make in society. It is...

A Guideposts member smiling and having fun gardening.

Spring Highlights 2022 from Guideposts

The latest newsletter from Guideposts highlighting what we have been up to this Spring.

A History of Guideposts Trust – Chapter 2

The second instalment of the story of Guideposts, from our beginnings 50 years ago. How the vision for the charity became a reality, and establishing the first Guideposts Hubs.

A History of Guideposts Trust – Chapter 1

On Guideposts' 50th Anniversary year we share the story of our charity: where we started from, the journey we have travelled so far, and a vision for the future of Guideposts Trust.

Sharing Thanks with the Guideposts Team

We would like to end the year by thanking the wonderful Guideposts teams who have worked tirelessly throughout this, another challenging year.

A Christmas Thank-You Letter

One of our Christmas thank-you letters this year goes to a great local company.

Interact Workshops now on Better Connected

We have been giving online interactive workshops over the course of this year on the subject of relationships: to explore what relationships are, how to manage them, emotions within relationships, and how to keep ourselves safe.

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