Complex Emotional Needs (CEN Coaching) - Guideposts Trust

Complex Emotional Needs (CEN Coaching)

Complex Emotional Needs (CEN) Coaching

Guideposts offers an effective programme of 1:1 coaching helping people with complex emotional needs to manage their day-to-day life and take back control.

Existing Clients and Referring Partners

FAQs about our service and what to expect

Mental Health Professionals

Learn how our coaching service works & the evidence base

Service commissioners

The organisational benefits of a dedicated CEN service

Understand Complex Emotional Needs (CEN)

What is Complex Emotional Needs?

Complex Emotional Needs is a mental health condition affecting 1 in 100 people in the UK.

Types of personality disorder

There are many types of personality disorders grouped into three main ‘clusters’.

Signs & symptoms of personality disorders

The wide range of possible indicators means that CEN can often be difficult to diagnose.


Understand how a personality is diagnosed and what the process involves.


Learn about the various factors that can contribute to developing a personality disorder.

Related problems

CEN is linked with depression, anxiety, self-harm, substance misuse and eating disorders.

Treatment options

There are a range of techniques available for the management of symptoms associated with CEN.

Supporting someone

Advice for family members and friends on supporting someone with complex emotional needs.

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