Guideposts Complex Emotional Needs Service - Guideposts Trust

Guideposts Complex Emotional Needs Service

Guideposts Coaching for CEN

A guide for referring partners

Coaching for Complex Emotional Needs / A guide for referring partners

What is Complex Emotional Needs (CEN)?

Within the context of the CEN service in Guideposts, we utilise the umbrella term complex emotional needs, and define it specifically to refer to a range of difficulties among a broad group of people who may have received a diagnosis of personality disorder, or have comparable needs, and/or have used services for people with a personality disorder diagnosis. The term is also used to avoid concerns regarding the stigma associated with a ‘personality disorder’ diagnosis and the imprecision of such diagnoses.

What is a personality disorder?

In order to manage the devastating impact of early childhood experiences that traumatise children and cause ACEs, patterns develop as a response to help the child cope. These patterns, if not managed and supported, persist into latter years giving the person low levels of tolerance to stressful environments, and leaving them easily overwhelmed by feelings they cannot tolerate. This triggers patterns of behaviour which are seen as impulsive and self destructive. As they develop into adulthood, these behaviours can make it hard for them to maintain successful relationships with others, and can feel to others as inflexible, intense and unhelpful.

Personality Disorder refers to the set of intense and unhelpful personality traits that create significant problems for the person. In particular, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), also called Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (EUPD), impacts on the way an individual thinks and feels about themselves and others, which causes problems with everyday functioning.

Guideposts Coaching for CEN

About Complex Emotional Needs

About the CEN Service

Referral criteria & process

How our service works

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