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Befriending services

Making Connections from Home > Befriending Services

Most befriending services involve in-person visits, but there are also a range of befriending services where someone calls or emails you on a regular basis. We’ve split this page into services aimed at older people in general and services aimed at specific groups – some of which are available to younger adults too.

If you know of any service that should be on here, please let us know by filling out this form.

Services for older people

Call In Time (Age UK)

  • National befriending service run by Age UK, the largest such service in the country
  • Offers a weekly 30-minute chat on the phone at the same time each week
  • Available to anyone aged 60 and over

Silver Line Friends

  • Very similar to the Call In Time service, but open to people aged 55 or over
  • Offers a weekly 30-minute chat on the phone at the same time each week

Independent Age

  • Similar to the services above, but no specified minimum age – you just have to be an “older person”
  • Offers a weekly 30-minute chat on the phone on a regular basis

Re-Engage Call Companions

  • Aimed at people aged 75 or over 
  • Call another person every fortnight or week for a 30 minute chat 

Specific groups

Opening Doors London

  • A befriending service for LGBT+ people over the age of 50 
  • Weekly calls up to 30 minutes

DeafBlind Befriending

  • Befriending service for people with reduced sight and hearing
  • Offers a regular call or contact via e-mail
  • No specified age limit

National Autistic Society E-Befriending

  • A service for people over the age of 16 on the autism spectrum
  • Contact is done by e-mail

General chat services

Quarantine Chat

  • A free phone service that connects you with people all over the world 
  • Facilitates “serendipitous conversations” – sign up to receive calls at random times and chat one-on-one with someone about anything 
  • Your phone number stays private so nobody can use the service to get your details 
  • You can make yourself unavailable if you’re busy 
  • Not a managed service unlike other options on this page 

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