Services in Oxfordshire - Guideposts


Guideposts services in Oxfordshire

Services > Services by area > Oxfordshire

Dig n Grow

Dig ‘n’ Grow

From our purposefully designed garden in Witney, Guideposts Dig ‘n’ Grow is a day service that equips adults with learning disabilities with new skills such as planting, woodwork, nature crafts and cooking, all in a safe and social setting.
a small wooden shelter in the grass, covered in foliage with a sign saying Hedgehogs

Forest School and Bushcraft

Guideposts Forest School and Bushcraft provides a comprehensive outdoor learning experience and opportunities for personal growth, for children and young people with educational, social, emotional and mental health needs.
GLADS Day Service

GLADS Day Service

GLADS offers a range of social and skill-based activities for adults with learning disabilities, mobility impairments and other conditions. Alongside cooking, fitness, craft and music, we also go on trips in the local area.
The Albion Centre

Guideposts @ The Albion

Guideposts at The Albion offers a range of social and skill-based activities for adults with learning disabilities and related conditions. Alongside activities to improve life skills and wellbeing, including cooking, fitness, craft and music, we also go on trips in the local area.
Guideposts CONNECT Social Groups

Guideposts CONNECT Social Groups

Guideposts CONNECT social groups are dementia-friendly friendship and support groups in Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire for people living with long term health conditions, people caring for a relative or friend, and those looking to make new local friendships.
Pantomime Visit in Hertfordshire, Never Seen, Never Been

Never Seen, Never Been – Trips

Inspiring day trips and experiences for people living with learning disabilities, including adventurous day trips and longer breaks.
Our Space in Chipping Norton.

Our Space social group

'Our Space' in Chipping Norton is an inclusive fun social group for adults with disabilities and related conditions.

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man with his arm around his mother, posing for a photo.

Meet Trudy

Meet Trudy, whose son Gareth has been attending Guideposts Dig'n'Grow for over 3 years, and is looking to ...
Guideposts Olympic Games

Guideposts Olympic Games

With the Olympics on the TV and in the news, Guideposts groups decided to create their very own ...
A boy wearing a grey jacket and a blue hearing aid is looking at the forest school leader who is handing him something small in a matchbox. There is another child in the background, looking excitedly into his matchbox.

Celebrating Ten Years of Achievements at Dreamcatchers Forest School

Celebrating ten years of Guideposts’ Dreamcatchers Forest School for children and young people with diverse needs ...

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