Never Seen, Never Been - Trips - Guideposts Trust
Pantomime Visit in Hertfordshire, Never Seen, Never Been

Never Seen, Never Been – Trips

pictures of people having great experiences including tricycling, at a fairground, flying a kite in a beautiful location, at a festival, and playing rugby

Inspiring experiences
for people with learning disabilities

Get Involved > Campaigns > Never Seen Never Been>Trips

Do you enjoy going on outings and trips? Do you want to go on more?

Guideposts wants people with learning disabilities to have more opportunities to go on outings and trips. That’s why we have introduced Never Seen, Never Been.

Would you like to go on a trip with us?

To hear about trips we are organising, please sign up for email updates using the form below (click here to go there now).

If the form doesn’t work for you, alternatively you can contact us on [email protected] or phone 01993 893 560.

What outings, trips and holidays are coming up?

For 2024 we are planning an exciting programme of adventurous day trips and longer breaks, including:

person having just taken their shot at bowling alley

Day trips

  • Day Trips to the Seaside
  • London sightseeing
  • Canal boat trips
  • Ten-Pin Bowling
  • Christmas Market visits
  • Theatre trips

Many of these are in the planning stages and will depend on costs and practicalities as to whether they can go ahead.

Please tell us if you would like to take part in any of these trips.

Can you help us?

Tell us Your Views

If you have a learning disability, or if you care for someone who does, please help us by telling us your views about Outings and Trips in this survey.

Support the Campaign

If you believe that new experiences should be accessible to all, regardless of disability, you can support our campaign to make it happen.

See our Never Seen, Never Been campaign page for more ways you can help, by spreading the word, volunteering, donating, or sponsoring a trip.

What is Guideposts’ experience?

Guideposts has over 50 years’ experience supporting people to live in their community, and take part in activities they would otherwise be excluded from.

Since the end of Covid restrictions, the people we support with learning disabilities have told us about their renewed enthusiasm for going on trips and excursions. We want to help.

Some of the experiences we have organised are:

Click on the links to find out more about these.

We look forward to making many more experiences possible for people with learning disabilities. Please join us!

Sign up to hear about our trips

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