Gentle exercises

Making Connections from Home > Gentle exercises

Most of us can get some low-impact exercise by going on a walk, but if that’s not possible for you at the moment then you might be wondering what exercises you can do at home. This page looks at resources for exercising safely at home as well as livestreamed classes you can follow along to.

If you know of any resources or classes missing from this list, please let us know by filling out this form.


Active at Home 

Gentle exercises 

  • This booklet contains strengthening, cardio and stretching, exercises that can be completed using minimal equipment and a chair. 
  • They offer simple and fun ways to promote staying active at home.  


  • Covers a wide range of easy exercises with a specific “Home exercises” section
  • Exercises cover sitting, strength, flexibility and balance exercises

Age UK

  • Detailed advice on exercise for older adults
  • Covers exercises to do when you find physical activity difficult, how to look after your feet and how to avoid a fall

Generation Games

  • A set of exercise videos for older people including chair-based exercises 

Strengthen and stretch

  • Youtube channel with morning routines and exercises aimed at those over the age of 70 

Healthline: Low impact cardio exercises–impact-jumping-jack

  • 6 exercises to try at home for cardio fitness

Live classes

Move it or lose it

  • A website and YouTube channel dedicated to gentle exercises for older people 
  • Exercises focus on balance and feeling steady on your feet
  • Either watch videos online, or sign up to join live classes

10 today 

  • A 10-minute radio show each day with exercises designed for and by older adults 
  • You can tune in live if you’re in Bradford or Cornwall, or just listen online here: 

The Class

  • Classes are livestreamed 7 days a week and throughout the day
  • Paid-for platform

Virtual Village Hall

  • A programme of themed online activities designed to enjoy at home
  • Sessions are led by expert tutors, Royal Voluntary Service activity coordinators, volunteers and some well-known faces, and require very little space or equipment
  • You’ll find a wide range of sessions to take part in, like creative arts and crafts, music and singing, cooking and baking, dance and exercise, and technology skills
  • Join in with live sessions or catch up on demand when suits it you.

Mobility issues and health conditions 

Wheelchair-based exercises 

Multiple sclerosis 


Down’s Syndrome 

Heart conditions 


Sight problems 

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