Getting a mobility scooter

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A mobility scooter can cost anywhere between £400 and £5000, so it’s a significant purchase. Unlike other walking equipment, a mobility scooter is not available through the NHS or council. The good news is that there are a number of schemes available which make the cost of a mobility scooter more manageable. This page looks at each scheme in turn and provides some questions to ask a supplier before you buy a scooter from them.


The Motability Car and Scooter scheme provides you with a mobility scooter on loan and charges you through your benefits. You must be receiving certain benefits to be eligible for the scheme. As well as the price of hiring a mobility scooter, insurance, maintenance and breakdown cover are included in the cost.

For more information on how the scheme works, click here.

Here are the contact details for the Motability scheme:

Helpline: 0300 456 4566

Charitable grants

A number of charities, national and local, provide grants to people who need to buy equipment to help them stay independent. What’s available will depend on where you live and in some cases your occupation and/ or financial resources.

Note: charities will frequently want to assess your ability to drive a scooter to ensure that you are safe and that the chosen model is appropriate for your needs before agreeing to the funding.

Access to Work

Access to Work is a government scheme that provides grants if you have a disability or long-term health condition and you need equipment to help you stay in work or get back into work. If you need a mobility scooter to get to work, for example, you may be eligible for an Access to Work grant. You can apply for an Access to Work grant in the following ways:

By e-mail: [email protected]
By phone: 0345 268 8489

Second hand mobility scooters

Second hand mobility scooters are widely available and can be a great way to get a bargain as long as you are happy to go for a slightly older model. However, just as if you were buying a used car, it’s important to get the history of any mobility scooter you are thinking of buying. Make sure you get a record of its service history and any maintenance work that needs to be done. A run-down scooter might look like less of a bargain once all the refurbishment costs are added on. Batteries also have a life expectancy and if they have not been cared for properly then you may find that they do not hold an adequate charge.

Insurance & Breakdown

It is important to plan for unforeseen events. Although not a legal requirement, insurance is important not just to cover your scooter repairs but also, just like owning a car it is wise to be covered for damaging other people’s property, theft, as well as the possibility you may be involved in an accident.

Break down cover is essential if you do not have any one close by who can rescue you in the event of a breakdown or battery failure.

The scooter supplier should provide you with insurance and breakdown cover details but also take the opportunity to shop around for best price.

Finally, carrying a mobile phone every time you go out and about will ensure that you can call for immediate assistance.

Ready to buy?

When you’re considering a supplier, check the following:

  • Does the scooter come with a guarantee? If so, how long is the guarantee?
  • How long will it take to be delivered?
  • Does the supplier provide spare parts? If not, are they easy to find?
  • Does the supplier provide repairs or maintenance? If so, can these be done in the home?

Finally, see if the scooter you’re interested in, is eligible for VAT exemption by asking the supplier. If it is eligible, the supplier will need you to fill out a declaration form or statement that explains that you have a disability.

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