Community Transport

Connecting with others > Getting out and about > Community Transport

If you don’t drive, live in an area that is not well-served by public transport or unable to use public transport independently, there may be community transport services that can help. Community transport varies greatly around the UK, so this page outlines the different schemes available and suggests how to find out what’s in your area.

Types of community transport

Not all community transport schemes are the same, but generally you are likely to need to pay a contribution to the scheme when you use it. This section looks at the most common types of schemes and how they work:

Door-to-door services

  • Sometimes known as “dial-a-ride”, a door-to-door service will pick you up from your home and take you to where you want to go, such as your local shopping centre.
  • Some dial-a-ride services operate a mini-bus which picks up several people along the way and might go to several destinations.
  • Some services include assistance with getting on and off the bus.
  • Some include space to accommodate wheelchair users.
  • Until recently, many local authorities ran “dial-a-ride” services but recent cuts have seen many of these services discontinued.

Community car schemes

  • This involves a volunteer (or team of volunteers) who acts as a volunteer taxi driver. They will pick you up in their car and take you to your destination.
  • The car may not necessarily be wheelchair accessible and the training that volunteers have may vary.

Group bookings

  • This involves a group of people booking a minibus or coach together to get to the local shops, pub, club etc.
  • The group might be residents of a care home, a supported housing scheme or even just residents of a small village.
  • Group bookings are therefore likely to be a private or voluntary initiative rather than a local council-run scheme.

How to find a community transport scheme in your area

Community transport schemes might be provided by the local council, or by a voluntary group. Since the council is not always aware of what voluntary schemes are currently available, it’s a good idea to use a number of search tools:

You can also see if the Royal Voluntary Service runs a community transport scheme in your area using this tool.

Alternatively, call the Guideposts Advice Service and our team will be happy to do the research for you.

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