Never Seen, Never Been: Dreams - Guideposts Trust
two people at the british seaside enjoying ice-cream and pie, and laughing

Never Seen, Never Been: Dreams

a group of 5 people standing inside a tunnel of fairy lights, looking at the camera in stunned amazement. Several are wearing red bobble-hats as well as coats and scarves

Never Seen,
Never Been.

Life-changing experiences
for people with learning disabilities.

Get Involved > Campaigns > Never Seen, Never Been > Dreams

Could you give a life-changing experience?

Many people with learning disabilities go their whole life without experiences, that the rest of us take for granted.

That’s why we’re campaigning to make inspiring experiences possible for people living with learning disabilities.

Joanne is seeing lots of people planning Christmas treats and outings, but the cost for her and the support she needs is too much for her limited budget as a disabled person.

Due to Joanne’s individual requirements, Joanne requires an experienced carer to travel with her. She would need to pay for the carer’s time as well as their travel and entrance fees.

If you are able to make a gift to help Joanne and others like her, it would make a huge impact on their mental health.

How to help

Please donate using the form on this page.

If you prefer to speak to us, call 01993 899 983 between 8am and 12pm.

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