Services in Gloucestershire - Guideposts


Guideposts services in Gloucestershire

Services > Services by area > Gloucestershire

Complex Emotional Needs (CEN Coaching)

Complex Emotional Needs (CEN Coaching)

The complex emotional needs (CEN) service in Gloucestershire provides telephone coaching for people living with borderline personality disorder (BPD), also known as emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD).


A friendly service for anyone looking for regular companionship, conversation and laughs, hobbies/activities, respite breaks, a listening ear or practical support with day to day living.
Guideposts Coaching Services

Guideposts Coaching Services

One-to-one support for people with a range of complex needs, over the phone or via web consultation.
Guideposts CONNECT Social Groups

Guideposts CONNECT Social Groups

Guideposts CONNECT social groups are dementia-friendly friendship and support groups in Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire for people living with long term health conditions, people caring for a relative or friend, and those looking to make new local friendships.
Pantomime Visit in Hertfordshire, Never Seen, Never Been

Never Seen, Never Been – Trips

Inspiring day trips and experiences for people living with learning disabilities, including adventurous day trips and longer breaks.
Stroud Hub for Guideposts.

Stroud Community Hub

A friendly and vibrant place where adults with learning disabilities can come together to make friends, have fun, learn new skills, gain confidence and get involved in their local community.
Stroud Sensory Room

Stroud Sensory Room

A therapeutic space in the heart of Stroud, designed to stimulate, soothe, and engage individuals with sensory processing needs.

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