Celebrating Love and Support with Guideposts CONNECT Members

Michael first attended the Guideposts CONNECT social club around 10 years ago, with his late and beloved wife Hazel. She was living with dementia, although at that stage she was still recognising Michael and participating in the club.
One day on leaving the club, they had to call an ambulance and Hazel was taken to hospital. The doctors said she was dying. Michael spent every day with her in the hospital, and then found a nursing home for her where she lived another 2 ½ years and had a happy time. Michael still went to the CONNECT club on Thursdays and was able to support others there, which helped him.
During this time Michael met Laura and her husband, and they all got on well together. When Hazel died he spent more time with them, and 8 weeks later Laura’s husband Farouq passed away. Both Laura and Michael continued to go to CONNECT and they grew together.

After some time Michael asked Laura to marry him, and she said yes! They have just celebrated 7 years of marriage, and invited their friends at Guideposts CONNECT club to celebrate with them, with a lunch party in a local pub.
Michael said “We get companionship, fun, laughter and relaxation at the club. If someone has problems we can understand and say what’s worked for us – no guarantee, but it might help. It’s a lovely feeling of giving back something that we received, in a rolling community of support. “
Laura added “Liz and her team have a fountain of knowledge – if you have a query they can point you in the right direction. Their support is the best on offer.”
Find out more about Guideposts CONNECT services here: https://guideposts.org.uk/guideposts-connect/