Five Festive Activities

Five Festive Activities

25 December 2020

Christmas will be different for most people in the UK this year. Whether you are spending the Christmas with family, friends, or just yourself, we hope you have some fun and a few laughs.

To help you with festive cheer, we have five festive activities for you. Play them on your own or share them with others, and let us know how you get on!

1. Photography talk with Richee Wilson

25 December at 4pm, on Zoom
Richee Wilson Photo

Join Richee Wilson, a support worker at our Henry Smith House hub in Hertfordshire and enthusiastic photographer, for a light-hearted Christmas day talk. Richee will tell some stories lying behind his photos and you will have the opportunity to ask questions.

Join in on Zoom at 4 o’clock on Christmas Day.
Zoom Meeting ID: 987 4643 5393 and Passcode: 741531

2. Christmas Quiz

Are you a whizz at Christmas films, songs food or trivia? Whether you are emoji-literate or an expert on cheese – either the edible kind or cheesy Christmas movies – there’s something for everyone in this quiz.

Send your answers in to (or text them to 07703 685196) by 30th December, and Tim will pick a winner with the most correct answers on the 31st.

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3. Famous Faces Picture Quiz

How many of these faces can you identify? They are all hiding behind candles! The answers are at the end.

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4. Watercolour Workshop

Join Maggie, who works at Stroud Community Hub, as she shows you how to create your very own watercolour scene using basic tools in under half an hour. This class is for all ability levels and will result in a beautiful piece of art to brighten up your home!

If you are interested in more tutorials from Maggie, please get in touch at!

5. Famous Art Quiz

How well do you know these famous works of art? We suspect that those who don’t know the paintings will have as good a chance as others at guessing what’s been hidden by Linda’s Christmas Presents in this quiz.

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Connect with us on Facebook or Twitter to let us know how you did, or to send us your own festive activity.

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