6 Ways We’ve Helped During Lockdown
We are so very pleased to be able to open our in person services once again. It’s been a long time and we have missed the buzz of cooking, dancing and playing in our hubs. We’ve missed sharing a cup of tea and plate of biscuits in our group sessions. But most of all we’ve missed seeing our wonderful Guideposts community face to face!
As we make the final preparations for reopening we wanted to reflect on some of the thing we have done since the start of the pandemic. So here are 6 things to celebrate!
1. Over 1,000 activity packs posted out
Rather than forgoing fun activities we’ve been posting them out. From art, colouring in and craft ideas to toys and letter we’ve kept the Royal Mail busy! One person said that, “The art packs and phone calls are the highlight of my week!”

2. Over 60 virtual group meet ups
On Zoom, Teams and Facebook we’ve gathered together for activities like bingo, quizzes, seated dance classes and art. As well as a party to celebrate volunteers and carers, a dementia information sessions, and mental health check ins. Since its virtual we’ve been able to welcome people from as far as Israel and Chicago!
3. More than 900 wellbeing calls
We’ve been calling our service users as well as their parents and carers to catch up, check in and support their wellbeing.
4. 21 radio appearances
You might have caught the Guideposts Show on the Windrush Radio every Saturday or heard about our pen pal initiative on BBC Gloucestershire.
5. 3,540 km walked
Thirty people took part in our virtual walk to raise a whopping £1,175 to support Guideposts’ community work!

6. 198 support line phone calls taken
During lockdown we’ve been running a support line which has helped solve practical worries, like how to get medication. As well as helping people experiencing stress and anxiety because of the pandemic. The support line is continuing so if you need advice or someone to talk to give us a call.
Thank you for everyone’s support and all you do as part of the Guideposts community. We can’t wait to see you soon!