China Teapots, Cucumber Sandwiches and Old Metal Irons

Guideposts’ Dementia Wellbeing Hub celebrated Dementia Awareness Week (#DAW2019) with a 1940’s themed tea party. The day began with a reminiscence quiz and was followed by a group discussion about “When I was a child”.

The day concluded with a delicious 1940’s themed tea party with all of the classics including beautifully homemade Victoria sponge and cucumber sandwiches – all served up on bone china with a few cups of tea from a real china teapot.

1940’s memorabilia filled the room, with WW2 helmet to Wrens Tripod Hats, from old metal irons to Kodak Brownie camera, pictures of relatives in the Land Army to spam and marmite!

The day was a great success – even the staff dressed in full 1940’s style!

Guideposts Dementia Wellbeing Hub provides a safe, engaging and supportive social environment for people living with Dementia and related conditions.

Here you can:

  • Make friends and socialise
  • Enjoy a freshly cooked two course meal plus refreshments
  • Engage in memory reminiscence, enjoy entertainment, and participate in activities and trips out.
  • Gain support and information from qualified and experienced staff

Find out more about the Dementia Wellbeing Hub and how you can join.

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