Guideposts & Social Prescribing
Social Prescription is everywhere, but why? What is ‘social prescribing’ and why was there a day to celebrate it?
Social prescribing involves helping patients to improve their health, well-being and social welfare by connecting them to community services which might be run by the council or a local charity. For example, signposting people who have been diagnosed with dementia to local dementia support groups. (Source: NHS England)
The first ever #SocialPrescribingDay took place this month to raise awareness and to highlight why it’s a big deal in the healthcare sector and the impact it can have, with the tagline #Listen #Support#Connect. Events took place across the country, supported by the NHS and the Royal College of GPs among others, and there was a big buzz across social media – #SocialPrescribingDay.
Our Gloucestershire Stroud Hub team put together a display within the Stroud Town Council window, raising the profile of the services we provide and who we are there for (below).

The NHS recently published a long-term plan that put emphasis on developing social prescribing services, with a promise to support at least 900,000 people so they can benefit from social prescribing by 2023.
So, what’s social prescribing got to do with Guideposts?
Well, everything really. From our gardening at Dig N Grow to art therapy at Lights Up – we work within the community to provide social projects and services, created by people for people.
How can I find out if Guideposts is an option for me?
Contact us – email or call us on 01993 893 560. Guideposts work across Oxfordshire, Gloucestershire and Hertfordshire – we’d love to hear from you. If we cant help as you need and want, we’ll do our best to signpost you on to someone that can.
You can find out more about social prescription here and download the summary guide.
Listen. Support. Connect.